Cultivation processes

The Greenhouse.

We were allocated 70m² in a greenhouse at PTC+ (Practical Training Center) in Ede. This greenhouse is ideal for our project as it close by (only 15min) from the University and nonetheless gives us the opportunity to discuss issues with the several Greenhouse specialists working at PTC+.

Together with our coach (Gert-Jan Jansen) we decided to go for a total of 16 different herbs and flowers.

Herbs such as: Apple mint, Pepper mint, Rosemary, Cinnamon Basil, Opal Basil, Sage, Dropplant (liqourish) and other herbs.
Flowers: Lavender, Calendula and Camomille.

Sowing and cultivating time.
The 21st of march was the day that we took the germinated seeds and the young herbs and flowers we bought, into the greenhouse for their first day in the soil of the big plot.

Over the next couple weeks we planted more herbs and flowers and made sure that they were given enough space in order to have maximum possibility for an efficient growing speed.

In total the plot contains around 900 herb plants and flowers.

Quality management High quality herb plants are produced. This possible because the available knowledge and expertise. The knowledge of the personnel of the greenhouse where the plants are grown is consulted when needed, also our coach Gert-Jan Jansen and the teachers of Van hall-Larenstein are available to advice us to make the growing process more successful   Regular monitoring and maintaining activities will be done to detect all pest, diseases, damages in early stage to take the necessary actions. During the production period; from planting until processing the herbs will be checked according to the standards and the production plan. To keep the quality of herb tea mixtures high and also to improve  the quality, the production and processing activities will beevaluated continuously.